Sunday, July 31, 2011

burung cinta ku~

a pair of lovebird
gambar latest. umur lebih kurang 8bulan( kata seller, umur waktu amek 6 bulan ).tapi rasa saya sekarang baru dalam 6-7 bulan ni.. kaler peach pada dahi makin terang, warna kuning pada badan makin pekat. (rasa nya sah la depa ni tak matang lagi time amek dulu, seller kata dah matang..haiyooo )

whitefaced cinnamon lovebird

dah wingclip da depa ni.. konon-kononnye nak jinakkan haritu.. hehe. sudah-sudah amek si Mat plak. dah leka duk melayan si Mat, depa ni tak de la cuba dijinakkan lagi. tapi yang bertenggek kat perch tu dah agak "civilised".. hehe

pair ni mungkin akan dipawahkan kepada sahabat pemburungan atau mungkin akan dibawa balik ke rumah atau mungkin akan dijual kepada yang berminat.  keh3.. ada yang berminat nak beli? sms 013-2220218 (akmal). harga leh nego. =)

sekian. wassalam

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lang

harini tanpa dirancang pergi berjalan-jalan ke Gunung Lang, atas sikit dari bandar Ipoh, Perak. menarik gak la tempat ni. lebih sesuai sebagai tempat berjalan-jalan dari rekreasi. tambah menarik sebab ada berberapa jenis haiwan kat sini. satu lagi, kalo nak akses kepada taman die, kena naik bot. tapi kena bayar la tiket rm 3. ok la kot? malas tulis banyak, layan gambar~

Papan tanda masuk

air terjun buatan


ayam api-api (semua jantan)

ayam belanda

sesi memberi makan


burung unta

ikan-ikan ( keli, tilapia, patin, lampan )
sekian. wassalam.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

incubator - mesin pengeram telur

arini ade orang kol lagi..mintak buatkan incubator. kalau bukan sebab kekangan masa, memang aku lenjan je buatkan. hehe.. sekurang-kurangnya, ada pengalaman buatkan incubator untuk orang lain. dari situ, boleh jadi batu loncatan untuk sebarang pembaikan pada incubator aku sendiri. sambil menyelam minum air. =)

oleh kerana yang menghubungi aku hanya orang-orang dekat, kira orang kampung la.. aku bercadang nak forwardkan kepada Ammar (Jiwa Niaga), kebetulan dia sekarang bermastautin dalam daerah yang sama. memang rezeki dia la. hehe.

bukan nak menyombong, tapi sekarang aku memang tak dapat nak buatkan incubator untuk orang lain. memanglah takde lagi incubator buatan tangan aku pada orang laen, tapi ada la jugak yang bertanya. jadi, sapa-sapa yang menghubungi aku, wat masa ni aku akan "direct"kan kepada otai-otai incubator yang laen.

kat sini aku listkan antara pembuat incubator yang otai-otai.. hehe :
sesiapa yang berhajat nak mendapatkan incubator, boleh la hubungi mereka. sebenarnya ramai lagi. cuma sekarang tak teragak je siapa-siapa. nanti kalo ingat aku tambah.

sekian. wassalam.

kenyitan Mat di malam hari.

Mat si lovebird

Mat si lovebird
Si Mat, umur 32hari. kenyitan? kan nampak sebelah mata je, kira kenyit la tu.. haha

** ye, aku tau, asek update sal Mat je. bebudak laen ape cerita kan? hehe.. insyaAllah weekend depan (1st weekend puasa) aku balik. time tu aku update la ape yang patut. setakat ni, Mat je la yang available untuk di update.

** ada kawan aku tanya, apa pet yang paling best bela? bergantung sebenarnya.. tengok la minat dan tahap kesabaran menguruskannya. sebab ada haiwan yang leceh, ada yang ala kadar je penjagaannya. contoh macam ular. bagi makan seminggu sekali je.. hehe.. tu pendapat aku. korang rasa?

sekian. wassalam.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Going gaga over Tokays

Costly animals: Tokays are indiscriminately hunted because buyers are willing to pay a high price for it. Image source — The Malaysian Life

 NO REPTILE has become more hunted than the Tokay gecko since Bujang Senang the crocodile. A large number of Malaysians, Japanese and Chinese buy these animals because it is believed to cure cancer and asthma, among other diseases.

 Because of this, the price of geckos has shot up. Small geckos start at about RM1,000 each. This new craze has not only afflicted Malaysians who are scrambling to look for it in shrubs, rooftops and crevices.However, many are moving into dangerous territories in search for the Tokay.

 Recently, Malaysian Mohammad Nasaruddin Bensaidin who went to Southern Philippines to broker a gecko deal was kidnapped by 10 gunmen.

 The Tokay, also known as Tuko or Tekek is fetching a high price in South-East Asia. Bigger geckos are said to fetch thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ringgit. The current market price in Malaysia for a Tokay above 300gm is said to be at least RM25,000. Many gecko dealers are claiming that they have World Health Organisation (WHO) authorisation letters to buy geckos as WHO was carrying out research into the medicinal properties of the reptile.

 However, when contacted, WHO chief technical officer Dr Harpal Singh said it was not true. “WHO is not involved in these claims. Neither is WHO interested in research using these geckos,” he said via email. In light of its high market value, catching and trading of Tokays have become a lucrative side business especially for villagers who have set up mini-farms.

 In Kuala Lumpur, residents are known to have converted their rooms to breed geckos. Since geckos usually feed on insects such as crickets, cockroaches and grasshoppers, it takes a long time to gain the marketable weight. Some unscrupulous breeders are feeding the geckos chicken liver and baby frogs to fatten them up. And as the supply gets scarce in Malaysia, dealers have started to head towards Thailand and the Philippines to source for supplies.

 Federal Territories Wildlife and National Park Department director Mohamad Hafid Rohani said under the new Wildlife Conservation Act 2010, which was passed in January this year, the keeping, rearing and trading of geckos must be licensed. “They have been given a six-month moratorium which expired last month and now we will take action if they are found without licence,” he said.

** inilah cicak tokek. name orang putih memang macam stylo sikit.. hehe. mendapat nama dari bunyi die, to-keek, to-keek.. camtu la lebih kurang, tak reti aku nak mengajuk bunyi die.

**sekarang da senyap sikit tapi dulu heboh jugak orang asyik mencari cicak ni. kononnya boleh digunakan untuk mengubati AIDS. hoho.. sekilo boleh sampai sejuta. gila. haha.. yang bekerja sanggup cuti masuk hutan mencari cicak ni. ikutlah masing-masing nak percaya apa.

**btw, orang tua-tua cakap, hati-hati digigit cicak ni, sebab air liur dia ada bakteria. serupa dengan biawak. kalau digigit, terkenalah jangkitan kuman. mana tau kena potong bahagian tu ke nanti. berbaloi duit banyak tapi kudung?

sekian. wassalam.

Monday, July 25, 2011

berita dari laman PERHILITAN

11 July 2011-A baby hippopotamus was born in Paya Indah Wetlands late last night. Both the mother and baby are in good health. The cow, Cendana was suspected to be pregnant in June 2011 during a routine inspection by the Veterinary officer and was isolated from another female, Juwita. The sex of the calf is still unknown at the moment as both the cow and calf spent all their time in the water. The hippopotamuses at Paya Indah Wetlands were gifts from the Government of Botswana to Malaysia in 2001.

Tips for Recovering Missing Birds

**untuk sesiapa yang kehilangan burung, atau burung terlepas. moga bermanfaat kepada yang berkenaan. =)

burung hilang

by Jean Pattison (The African Queen)

If you belong to a bird club, please ask your newsletter editor to publish this. If your club holds a bird fair, please distribute it. If you know of someone who has lost a bird, please send it along. If you have a personal web page, please put this up. If you are a breeder, please include this in your educational packet. Please forward this to other lists. If you know of lost/found web pages, please ask them to put this up.
Additional suggestions from Scott Lewis are included.
Birds can live for days-weeks months, and even years after an escape. Never give up.
  1. Always look for a grey BEFORE sun-up while it is still dark, and AFTER sundown. They are the most vocal then, and the most active.
  2. Day 3 is when they get hungry and try to come in for food, they will go to just about any one at that time if they are tame.
  3. ALWAYS have a recording of your grey when he is playing and having the most fun. Play this recording intermittently as you look for him.
  4. Throw food on rooftops. Place a small cage on the roof of your house, or anyone's where they grey has been seen.
  5. Tell people to put him in a pillow case, and have friends carrying pillowcases while looking, or small cages. Sometimes greys are caught by inexperienced holders and they don't know what to do with them.
  6. Water hoses do work if you can spray him shortly after his escape. Hit him with as much water as you can all at once. He is heavy from not having exercise, and the water throws him off enough to ground him for a bit. Do not drench just before dark unless you are sure you can get him.
  7. If possible contact organizations 50 miles away. Sometimes people find them while traveling and go home with them. Greys can also get that far just flying.
  8. Give all the children in the neighborhood a buck and tell them there is more if they can locate your bird. Kids tell on people that are hiding them also. (per Mattie Sue Athan) Police will not help you retrieve a bird from someone else's home. You have to plan that one very carefully if they decide they want to keep your bird.
  9. Have someone watch the bird at all times if he is spotted and you need to go for help.
  10. If you try to climb the tree, it often times scares them up. A long branch may be better to coax him onto. Use your head here. Raise his cage to where he is.
  11. Have friends and family miles away in other cities watch the lost and found ads.
  12. If he is roosted near dark, wait until dark before trying to retrieve him. They don't fly well at night, and they don't want to fly, but make sure you don't miss. You may use a high powered flashlight to momentarily blind the bird while another person nets or grabs the bird.
  13. If sighted, keep the mobs of people away, and let the owner try and coax him down. Have your helping friends in tall trees or on roof tops to watch where he goes if he takes off. You NEED spotters prepared and willing.

Additional Information/Comments by Scott Lewis

I might add to all this that if the bird is hanging around but refuses to go in a cage or allow itself to be caught, a Have-A-Heart chipmunk trap may do the trick. This is a small live trap. We recaptured a hawk headed parrot with one. With this sized bird, which is roughly the same size as a Timneh African Grey, anything larger will not work because the bird can go in and out with impunity. We know this from experience. After watching in total frustration as the hawk head repeatedly walked in and out of a Have-A-Heart squirrel trap to eat, we got a chipmunk trap. She went in, she was back.
Place the trap high in the area the bird is frequenting. Remember that height equals safety to parrots and most other birds. Be sure to check it frequently. If the bird is caught, it may panic. And, there is a good chance you will catch native birds, which won't appreciate it a damned bit. I have released a few extremely irate grackles and such.
For little birds, such as lovebirds and budgies, a sparrow trap works well. We had a black-masked lovebird show up at the aviary. I suppose it was attracted by our birds' calls. Given that lovebirds can carry PBFD, to which all our birds are very susceptible, two vets told me to get a pellet gun. I didn't have the heart to do it. But, I caught him in a sparrow trap within a half hour after I set it.
Finally, a hose does work, but don't be shy. The idea is to totally soak the bird in a big hurry to the extent that it can't fly. If you're shy with the hose, you will simply watch a damp bird fly away.

Sekian. Wassalam.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mat : selepas seminggu

Sebelum :

Selepas :

makin banyak bulu pelepah yang tumbuh, makin kuat makan, kuat lari, kuat panjat, makin cute.. hehe.. si Mat ni respon kalo kite sebut "Mat". agaknye dia tahu itu nama die. =)

sekian. wassalam.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

bahagian-bahagian tubuh badan lovebird

1 Cere
2 Upper Mandiple
3 Lower Mandiple
4 Lores
5 Breast
6 Lesser Wing Coverts
7 Secondary Wing Coverts
8 Abdomen
9 Toes
10 Claw
11 Shank
12 Thigh
13 Secondaries
14 Under Tail Coverts
15 Central Tail Feathers
16 Primarys
17 Rump
18 Scapulars
19 Mantle
20 Ear Coverts
21 Occiput (Crown)
22 Periophthalmic (eye) Ring

sekian. wassalam.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


oleh kerana aku berhasrat untuk mengekalkan tujuan asal blog ni ( kisah-kisah haiwan perliharaan aku ) dan taknak blog ni menjadi blog rojak, maka..
[*sila klik]

jadi lepas ni, blog ni akan berkisar tentang haiwan perliharaan je la. kalo menyimpang pon, sikit-sikit je.. hehe..

sekian. wassalam.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

sunday shots!


say cheeessseeeeeee~!

Mat : " how i wished i could help u Grey."

sleepy head.
thas all.. wassalam.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mat : si anak suap

al kisah baru mengambil burung angkat dari seorang sahabat yang menetap di teluk intan. akhirnya termakbul jugak cita-cita aku nak mendapatkan anak handfeed. hehe. moga-moga jinaklah si Mat ni. saje je letak nama tak komersil. apa ada pada nama kan? =)

layan sesi bergambar dengan Mat : ( gambar kedua adalah gambar ibu bapa Mat. mana satu mak aku tak tahu )

+- seminggu. baru 3 ekor lahir

+- dua minggu. dah 5 ekor netas

waktu sampai

muka lapar
sesi menyuap makanan :

ni satu kes tak pro, naek atas hidung

tuan tak pro lagi, meleleh-leleh

kecomotan selepas makan

sesi bergambar : Mat dengan tangan Atok ( rumet aku )

muka kekenyangan

kenyang..nak lelap

mata sudah kuyu.. ngantuk la tu

kenyang punya pasal, atas tangan je tido

mat dalam "bilik" die

da kenyang si mat ni, tido la
buat sementara waktu ni, Mat akan aku letakkan dalam bekas ni je. bila dia da kuat sikit, dah rajin nak panjat-panjat keluar, baru aku alih ke bekas yang besar sikit.

aku akan kemaskini perkembangan Mat dari semasa ke semasa. =)

sekian. wassalam.

kucing baru

mak kucing aku beranak suda.. aku tak perasan pulak bile tapi rasa dah dekat seminggu la.. beranak dalam tayar lama. banyak-banyak tempat, situ dipilihnya..

camera henpon..

dalam 4 ekor ni, ada seekor yang menarik perhatian aku. corak dia lain sikit. cam marble sikit.

pelik corak yang seekor ni. tak ikut mak, tak ikut bapak. anak sapa tah.. hehe..

sekian. wassalam.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


netherland dwarf mix - betina
comel tak saya???!! hehe..

bulan ni masuk 5 bulan. cenonet je die. perbezaan ketara antara kacukan ND ni, selain dari saiznya yang kecil, matanya bulat, besar.

yang depa ni pon nak masuk 5 bulan da :

local mix, pedaging mix

p/s : masih tak ku jumpa pengganti ibu arnab. mungkin pas aku abes exam baru ada.

sekian. wassalam.